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Venus Rx.

Our current full moon in Taurus centers around resources, worldly possessions, our bodies, the home, prosperity/finances and our beautiful planet. The essence is potent, possible, present, intuitive and all knowing. Ruled by Venus, Taurus energy creates from a place of inner stillness, thrives in nature, and comes alive via the physicality, the senses, the beauty, the mystery, the labor, the abundance and the miracle of life.

This full moon is also accompanied by a Luna eclipse, bringing a more amplified boost to these Taurean themes. Eclipses always come in pairs (the solar eclipse occurred on the recent new moon in Scorpio), behold intensified and unexpected energy and have a way of turning our gaze towards what’s needing our attention and participation. We began this eclipse journey with an Amulet of LOVE, a self-care ritual for the new moon in Scorpio two weeks ago, and the closing of this portal is here to help support us with the most important relationship of all. The one we have with our own heart.

We can become our own beloved, our own dearest friend, mother, cheerleader, healer, wise sage, guardian and closest ally. We can harness the power of these eclipse bookends to support our personal shifts and expansion for ourselves, one another, and this beautiful planet we call home.

It is an epically fantastic week to reflect on what this eclipse portal has shown you, to let go of the things that don’t align with who you’re becoming. To make room in your being, your home, your relationships, your life garden to plant some new dream seeds … lusher, deeply meaningful, more intentional seeds that excite your heart, stoke your desires and magnify your inner radiance. For these are the dreams you truly deserve. These are the dreams that this world needs. These are the dreams that were planted deep inside your inner kingdom … that were made just for you.

I’m sharing some ideas to harness the potency of this Luna energy that invites us again and again to come home to our hearts, to be grateful with what we have, to be present with what is here right now and to consider what it is we want to represent. As with everything I share, these are founded in my own personal practices and help me immensely in times of gold-mining the shadows, navigating challenging transitions and remembering to choose LOVE.

Slow down. Take the cue to be a human “being”, rather than a perpetual human “doing”. Move like honey through everyday tasks to slow the mind and access your inner rhythm of pure presence (make boundaries your besties).

Spend time in nature. Lay your body on the ground and feel Mother Nature hold and support you. Put your hands in the earth - garden, weed, plant, tend. Listen to birdsong, whale-song, the song of your own soul. Replenish your own inner roots with self-care, healing, rest, beauty and nourishment. Literally stop to smell the roses. Consider how you can become a better steward for this magnificent planet that needs us to be in right relationship with ourselves and with her.

Get quiet. Within the realm of stillness and a willingness to ask ourselves brave questions, to be open enough to receive insight and guidance, there is such opportunity for imagination, inspiration, messages to download, for newfound awareness to find you listening and paying attention, for creative expression to have time, space and room to flourish.

Create ritual, whatever that looks like for you and whatever you already have. It doesn’t need to be elaborate. Taurus is the great invitation into noticing and enjoying simple pleasures that have special meaning for you. You might like to cook a sacred meal. Place flowers on your nightstand. Take a luxurious candlelit or moonlight bath. Meditate on a sunset, a sunrise, or a moonrise. Gratitude journal around what is around you and all that is within you.

Reflect on your inherent worthiness, your relationship with abundance and your relationship with your core values (i.e. how are you showing up for the things that mean the most to you and are you taking action on your intentions to create new realities)?

Consider your relationship with money, prosperity, wealth. What is worth more to you than having “more”? Reflect on your inner and outer resources and how you might redefine sustainability, scarcity, the concept of success, the greater good, contentment and true fulfillment.

Have an intimate conversation with your beloved, the ones who truly see/get/uplift/support/applaud you, the cosmos, or your own magical heart as though your ideas, your visions, your hopes and deepest desires are the most important things you could possibly hear (because they are).

Listen to your body and honor yourself by giving her what she needs, be it energetically, emotionally or physically. Our bodies are miraculous record keepers, wise oracles, sacred channels for innovation, creative expression, LOVE and literal life. And like anything we pay close attention to, bring our whole heart to, and devotedly tend, expands in kind, a thousand-fold.

Sending you all big Luna LOVE to your illuminations, your imaginings and your beautiful hearts.

Jo x

Credit - Venus art by Frances Canomei.


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