Reflect | Release | Transform - LOVE, Scorpio Eclipse
When a lunar cycle is accompanied with an Eclipse, the energy of that moon phase is intensified. Aspects that have felt distorted, shadowy, or "just out of reach" are more apt to be flooded with clarity and light. Even though the energy can often feel uncomfortable, strange and bring up "all the things", I have also learned that fear is a natural reaction when faced with what we can't control or fully understand. But a willingness to "go there" leverages immense gold in terms of making sense of ourself, offering resolution, reconciliation, healing, and a new way forward; equipped with a deeper understanding and new sight.

(Photo Credit - Felipe Resmini)
I tend to harness eclipse seasons as a choosing to slow down and pay close attention to what is being illuminated. To witness, investigate and process what is shown. Any time we take to tend to our inner realm and sift through what is working and what is not, what is ours and what is not, what is aligned for us and what is not, brings us closer to our own truth and the pure golden essence of ourselves. This in turn, shifts our outer experiences and reality.
Eclipses offer an extra boost of amplified energy that have a way of highlighting our patterns, habits and the areas of our lives that are needing our attention and cooperation. And they can be extremely supportive for leveraging profound epiphanies, breakthroughs, initiations, emotional healing and transformations. Currently, we are in the energy of a full moon, total lunar eclipse in Scorpio, bringing themes around completions/endings, karmic debts, ancestry, shame, sabotage, sexuality/sensuality, reclaiming and powerful transformations.
In the Spiritual arena, there’s much talk about “letting it go” releasing and shedding. But understanding what that means for you, and how to make it a practical process is talked about far less.
I’ve put together some ideas around clearing and cleansing your energy; tools that I’ve used to support my personal journey, that perhaps you’ll find helpful for harnessing this eclipse energy for bringing light to your shadows, breaking emotional patterns, ancestral recycling or non-serving habits and stories.
These suggestions are intended as inspiration for your own empowered tending. Please feel free to take only what resonates for you and leave the rest. For deeper work, you may want to reach out for a professional therapist, process facilitator or an energy healer. I consider my energy to be my most precious resource and commodity. The very best guidance I can offer is to follow your own unique intuition with what feels correct for you.
Emotional Energy
Identify past hurts or wounds. Do you feel betrayed or do you feel you have betrayed yourself or another? Do you sense that you may be carrying the energetic weight of unfinished business? Where do you feel the pinch of shame or guilt? What relationships drain you and can you engage in a different way (hello boundaries)? Judgement, negativity, criticism, perpetual indecision, fear, worry, anxiety, stress, and toxic relationships are examples of energetic vampires or entanglements.
Can we move away from self-harming emotional thoughts, beliefs, words and actions and move towards adopting more kindness, patience, forgiveness, compassion for our own human-ness? We may not have been taught or shown how to love, honor and respect ourselves, but we can begin to teach ourselves.
You’re so worthy and deserved of your own LOVE.
Wellness Energy
In the busyness of “doing life” it’s easy to let self-care take a back seat. You will need to choose yourself, to acknowledge and believe your self-care and your wellbeing are a priority in order for practices to stick. There’s really no short cut (I’ve tried). Awareness around your resistance to taking good care of yourself is an important and illuminating conversation to have with yourself, and a great place to begin.
A life-plan that includes a healthy diet, daily movement and real rest, that is intentional, moderately paced and anchored in your life reality (not the ideals, expectations, judgement or expectations of others), include defined boundaries, and need to be supported by your investment in your Self.
Putting yourself first doesn’t mean you stop caring for others, but you’ll discover that everything and everyone you do care for will benefit greatly from you showing up as your best.
Spiritual Energy
Is there a soul knowing you’re ready to act on? Do you take time to nourish yourself? Do you trust your intuition? Is there something within you that is asking for your healing, or wanting to be expressed as a part of your life?Can we move away from doubting, mistrusting or dimming our own magnificence? Can we move towards being curious, deep listening and trusting our heart’s higher intelligence?
Any practices that include self-enquiry, meditation, yoga, energetic self-care, gratitude, journaling, gardening, creativity, spending time in nature are all portals that connect you to your true Self. The key is to keep showing up for your whole Self; Mind, Body, Spirit.
Environmental Energy
“Have nothing in your home that you do not think beautiful or purposeful”. Regard your home, your workplace, your belongings, your environment with new eyes. Does it feed, serve, nourish, and delight you?
Clear away clutter, paperwork piles, pass along clothes that don’t make you feel amazing. Repair or recycle the broken, the unwanted and the unused. Finish projects, or release them. Donate. Sell online. Bring nature indoors with live, air-purifying plants. Consider working with the power of crystals to help support your home or workspace energy. After purging, cleanse your space with herbs, set intentions for how you wish your home to support your future. Identify what type of energy you want to call in and look for ways you can make it feel welcome.
Take one area, one drawer, one item, one loving breath at a time and devote yourself to clearing up your space to invite fresh air, new light, and a new vibration to enter in.
Energy of Others
Our relationships, our homes, co-workers, environments, the news, social media, the shows we watch, the books we read, all feed us in some measure, positively or negatively. Do your external sources nourish, inspire, support or elevate you in some way? Do they feel heavy or light? What business practices, what energetic ethics (yours and the businesses you support) feel out of date, or out of touch with a new evolving world?
Can we move away from comparing ourselves to others and begin to embrace our own magic, our own gifts, our own unique-ness? Can we say “no thank you” more, striving for perfection and people pleasing less? Can we stop defending and explaining ourselves and create boundaries around our precious time and personal choices? Can we stop taking things personally and cultivate detachment from the projections of others? Can we be present for the wide-eyed wonder and tiny everyday miracles of the world? Can we be on the lookout for things we find beautiful, positive, delightful, and life affirming, and can we take a moment to be present and grateful when we notice them (cultivating this practice will not only shift your energy but it will attract more beauty, positivity, delight and abundance into your life … we attract what is radiating in our field).
Lastly, a simple way to clear your energy field is to bring your awareness to your heart’s center. In your minds eye, envision yourself opening up your crown chakra and imagine colored, textured, light of your preference, streaming down through your entire being. From above your head (your soul star chakra) flooding light all the way down into your feet and beyond, into the earth (your earth star chakra). Place all the resources you’ll need for your day inside this light bubble and draw an imaginary golden seal around your being. Close with gratitude.
You can be your own energetic light beam. You can be your own heaven on earth.
Your secrets can be keys to unlock your highest truths.
Your deepest fears can yield your brightest gifts.
Your darkest corners can be your greatest source of light.
Your reactions can be code for your deepest healing.
Your patterns can be clues to knowing your deepest needs.
Your chains that bind can be the release to your sweetest liberation.
Our shadows are the sacred breadcrumbs that guide us home to LOVE.