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"Mirror Mirror" - how relationships help us to evolve

We are just a few days into Libra Season and todays new moon/solar eclipse in Libra is a timely opportunity to check in with ourselves around themes of rebalancing, fairness, reciprocity, equality and equanimity. This particular new moon cycle marks the conclusion in an ongoing series of eclipses that have centered around the duality and collaboration of the self and the other. The "me" and "we" of it all. As we look out into the world, we don't have to look very far for evidence that demonstrates where humanity and the planet is woefully out of balance in these libra themes and in dire need of unity and care.

We have little to no control over what others ultimately choose, but absolute control over how we respond, how we show up, and what we choose for ourselves.

The mirror and work of our relationships is one of our greatest resources for finding clues, discovering newfound awareness, and gaining insights and guidance around our needs and care. Offering us invitations and inroads into navigating the concepts and integrations of trust, deep listening, compassion, courage, authenticity and vulnerability to name but a few.


The relationship you have with yourself is the gold standard for the relationships you have with others and all of life. We would all hope to have at least one beautiful relationship that truly welcomes, affirms and uplifts us. Associations that are performative or transactional in nature, or upheld by one party make for tenuous bonds. And judgement, dishonesty, manipulation and neglect act as energetic wounds in the heart field of our connections. When you invest in exploring, tending and expanding the interior Self; the richer, more fulfilling your relationship with others and life becomes. The inner begins to reflect the outer and vice versa.


Getting curious about yourself, exploring your interests, unpacking your stories, identifying your intrinsic needs and core values, taking responsibility for your hopes and dreams, your healing and your truth is radical self-love. Any and all measure of attention and investment not only serves and elevates every aspect of your own life, but also pays dividends in forming authentic unions with others.


To know who you are, and to be the living truth of that is the work of a lifetime. It can only begin our ourselves. With you, with me and ripples out into the "we'. To embrace, listen to, and care for your own precious heart is to say “yes” to experiencing the very best of yourself. And a better you, makes for a better everything you are and do, which makes for a better world for us all.


Rx. Relationship Types

Ideally, devote a notebook (composition book will suffice) for this exercise with separate tabs for each relationship type. I revisit my list every full moon (when my emotional intelligence and feelings are "extra") and it's rather fascinating to glance back over the months/years to see how the inner work is paying off in tangible ways.



Family (biological/caregivers/guardians and the family you choose/make yourself)




Personal Growth (soul care, healing, spiritual/faith practices etc.)

Work/Livelihood/Vocation/Creative Expression (co-workers, clients, collaborations)


The World/Community/Environment/Planet/The Collective Family

Resources (inner and outer)



On a scale of 1-5 (5 feeling connected, aligned, couldn’t be better) and (1 feeling disconnected, disharmonious, dysfunctional), reflect upon and truthfully rate, without judgement, the current relationship you have with the aforementioned categories.


Each month (or moon cycle) thereafter, spend time revisiting, exploring and journaling about each of these relationships; either in order, or by zeroing in on the relationships that feels most heightened and present for you.

Note: there are no rules around the length of time you spend on each category. You can spend an entire moon cycle/month, season, year, decade, or lifetime focusing on one relationship and that would be life changing in itself.


See if you can come up with one or two small action steps that could support, grow the potential, or deepen the intimacy of said relationship. Take field notes on how its going, celebrate all strides, and harness any shit-tastical setbacks as opportunities to grow forwards. Everything has value if we're learning something new.


If opting to focus on one relationship each month, try beginning with the relationship you have with your Self and then returning to this relationship for the final month.



“You are the one you’ve been waiting for”.


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