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LOVE ... the invitation of the Aquarius Full Moon

On this defining supermoon in Aquarius we are being energetically supported and gifted an opportunity to imagine, reimagine and create new expressions and experiences of ourselves founded from the gold of what we’re learning and integrating. From where we have untangled, unsubscribed and healed. From what we have shifted, transformed and redefined from all that has been handed to us.

Aquarius represents energetic systems, communications, new chapters and futures, hope, inspiration and visioning. It’s an energy that creates future realities based on our emerging selves. Realities that reflect our deepest truest desires, our healing, vibrational upgrades and all the ways in which we are evolving and expanding.


Aquarius highlights and amplifies our relationships with ourselves, our friends, communities, humanity, the planet, and the interconnectedness of it all.


Even though we can look out into the world and feel tired, hopeless, and fearful, disruption and change also invite us to dream the pure possibility of us all. Acknowledging how difficult the world is and how we are all affected by the things we are not choosing and are not in control of, is to acknowledge how unjust, messy and flawed we are.


Rather than focusing our precious time, attention and energy on what is wrong, bad, or who is to blame, ask yourself how am I feeling? How am I coping? How can I support myself through challenging times in helpful ways that grow me forwards? What choices do I have? What is something I can change? How do I want to show up as a better me as my contribution to a better us?


History has always and will always show us that fear will divide us, and LOVE will unite us. Imagine the things we can do, the people we will become, the world we can create if we believed in our own possibility, deeply cared for each other and our beautiful planet, honored the spirit in all of life, truly listened and followed the guidance of our wise and courageous hearts.


We are all doing the best we can with what we know. No-one is above or below the other. We each have our own mountain to climb and our own soul song to sing into being. Doing the difficult, uncomfortable, confronting, but necessary inner work will most definitely impact our lives and our world. Every micro shift we make on the inside ripples out into the macro shift of the world and our collective family.


We ARE the hope, the change, the LOVE we want to see and experience in the world. It’s here and always has been; hiding in plain sight. Everything we could possibly need to begin choosing it is already within us. Let us reach for the change we want to experience in the world. Let us listen. Let us soften. Let us be kind. Let us eradicate judging, fearmongering, criticizing, othering, shaming, comparing and condemning. Let us begin to truly care and LOVE our selves so that we can be that for one another. On this Aquarius full moon let us begin to show up for ourselves and one another in radical new ways.


Let us be the possibility versus the probability.

One small opportunity, choice, action at a time.

Let us be the LOVE ... in the room, in the situation, in the world.

“Try to say nothing negative about anybody.

a) for three days

b) for forty-five days

c) for three months

See what happens to your life.”

Yoko Ono 


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