Living as Abundance
Taurus is the ruler of abundance. She governs resources, worldly possessions, self-worth, the home, prosperity/finances and our global home. Her essence is peaceful, present, intuitive and all knowing. She creates from a place of inner quiet stillness. Thrives in nature, the creative process, the mystery, the magic and the miracle of life.
When the moon is in Taurus we may sense new awareness around our financial stories, our relationship with food, body identification, access to resources and our relationship to mother earth.

As we shift away from the me/mine mindset, to the more expansive we/us collective picture, we will need to let our outdated, untrue, self-sabotaging and fear-based stories fall away. The Divine Feminine aspect of ourself does not create from a place of lack, scarcity, competitiveness, or neediness. She doesn’t spend her time or energy seeking the validation or approval of others. She does not look to others to define her value, her worth. She stands tall and empowered in her inherent knowing that there is always enough for all. She understands that she cannot miss what is truly for her. And she is secure in the divine truth that she has always been, is, and will forever be … enough.
This aligned, authentic, awakened, heart-path way is what is required in order to merge with the elevated, uplifted universal vibration that is calling for us to rise and evolve. New Moon is a time to imagine, vision and dwell in the realm of pure “no limits” potential. If you can dream it, you can create it.
How do you honor yourself, create time for yourself and fill your own cup? Self-care is our divine responsibility, not the work of another’s. When we take responsibility for ourselves, we reclaim ourselves. Going to sleep one night and waking up as the embodiment of our future self is probably not going to happen. She is not attainable by making surface changes, but rather an energy that we continually attune to reach for and grow towards, through the steady inner work of listening, clearing, processing, shedding and healing. Transformation comes from a vibrational shift in our energy. We literally radiate change in our life from deep within.
Some ideas around how you might like to engage with our current Luna Taurean Energy to live as the energetic abundance you wish to invite into your life …
Slow down. Take the invitation to be a human “being”, rather than a perpetual human “doing”.
Reclaim your time, your attention, your creativity, your peace of mind.
Create sacred boundaries around taking breaks and weekend retreats away from your tech.
Put an album on. Take a dance class. Learn how to play an instrument. Let music and movement be a portal to freedom and joy for your mind, body and soul.
Spend time in nature. Lay your body on the ground and feel Mother Nature’s strength and stability hold you. Pay attention and connect to the sounds, the beauty, the wonder, the miracle and the magnificence of our sacred earth home. Let the birdsong, the flower scents, the caress of the wind on our skin call you home to your own inner sacredness and magnificence.
Replenish your own inner roots with self-care, rest, beauty and nourishment whatever that looks and feels like for you.
Get quiet. There is such opportunity for imagination, inspiration, messages to download, awareness to discover, creative expression to unfurl within the realm of stillness and deep listening.
Create ritual, whatever that looks like for you. You might like to prepare a sacred meal. Adorn your nightstand with fresh flowers. Soak in a luxurious candlelit, essential oils bath. Meditate on a sunset or sunrise. Pull cards around how this Taurus energy can support you. Gratitude journal around what is here now. Read a piece of poetry and let it transcend you to another realm.
Clean your home, your bedroom, your body as though it were a sacred temple.
Have an intimate conversation with your heart, your dreams and desires, and listen intently to every precious detail.
Let this time serve as an energetic reset. Give yourself the opportunity to visit yourself. To welcome yourself home. To experience once more, presence as a natural state of being in the world. To re-acquaint and reconnect to what you value most, and actually choose that for yourself.
And allow any supportive practices, shifts, awareness and intentions to serve as a beautiful foundation to build upon over the months ahead.
With big luna love,
Jo x