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Inner Quests - The Year of the Hermit

In terms of Tarot, collectively speaking; 2025 is a 9 year, (2+0+2+5=9) and the card that corresponds with 9 in Tarot’s Major Arcana is the essence and energy of “The Hermit”.

Ironically, I’ve been wanting to share the riches of this archetype for many weeks now. And yet, I’ve been working behind the scenes on a beloved project, which has called for a lot of quiet, devoted time with the creative process. All very “Hermit” behavior. And, as it turns out, all very right on time and cosmically supported.


                                                                                                                         (Leonora Carrington "Major Arcana" Deck)
(Leonora Carrington "Major Arcana" Deck)

One of the most common uses and glorious gifts of Tarot, is that it holds up a mirror of the human journey. The Hermit arrives in response for our desire to seek truth, to heal, to find deeper meaning, to finally face and reconcile something, to initiate and bring something to life, to mature, to evolve. In essence, Hermit years can be invitational, initiatory or provide opportunities for practice and integration. Wherever you find yourself in the journey, whatever is calling you forward, whatever is ready to become embodied … the Hermit meets you exactly there.  


In essence, this is the archetype of a guide, an oracle, inner wisdom, contemplation, personal development, a quest for deeper meaning (oftentimes, spiritual in nature), mentorship and mentoring. Typically depicted holding up a lantern of wisdom and knowledge as an emblem for inspiration, the Hermit is the bearer of light; helping others to find their truth and their way.


“Where I stand, may you too be”.


The Hermit represents two directions (representing the inner and outer selves). By interacting with the ineffable, the mysterious and the mythical for insight and guidance, we can apply what is revealed into the practical. The Hermit walks the path between the worlds – between the unconscious/unknown back to the conscious/known.


Themes of this archetype in its potential are - personal quests (quite often healing or spiritual journeys, self-development, creative projects). Intentional solitude. Privacy. Retreating. Sanctuaries. Refuges. Sacred Spaces. Inner Peace. Devotion/disciple/commitment. Spiritual and personal evolution. Mystics and Mysticism. Solo retreats. Counseling sessions. Guides/Teachers/Mentors. Boundaries. Self-trust/self-allegiance/self-kinship/self-advocacy/self-sovereignty. Contemplation/reflection. Navigating transitions and unknowns. Wisdom. Soul-care and soul truths. Illumination. Awareness. Breakthroughs. Pilgrimages. Emotional and spiritual maturation. Redefining consumption, consumerism, materialism, worldly possessions, simplifying, “less is more”. Slow living. Intuitive Intelligence. Presence. Authenticity. Embodiment.


Themes of this archetype in its shadow show up as – overextended stays in the cave (leading to isolation, disconnection, phobias, fear of life or people). Egoic Hermits (disempowering others, sharing gifts as a way to manipulate, control, position, limit or cause harm). Mistrust, or abandonment of ones’ inner power, intelligence, intuition, guidance, or truth. Perpetual seeking (consuming or extracting content and knowledge with no pause for discernment, respect, processing or integration). Quests for states of enlightenment, “ascension” or “higher-self” as ways to distract or bypass life realities. Surrendering, compromising, or abandoning the Self in the name of a teacher, mentor, or leader. As an aside, I generally don’t regard shadow aspects as a negative (unless the intention is to cause harm). They’re often unconscious patterns playing out in real time, and our experiences of them, (either as the giver or receiver) will give us context and teach us something profoundly valuable about ourselves and others. If our resources or practices don’t feel supportive, affirming and empowering, we may want to pay attention to that and choose something different for ourselves.


Myths, folklore and fairy tales have long associated the Hermit with wizards, witches, crones, wise women and elders. Hermits can also be embodied Tarot readers/physics/intuitives/astrologers, shamans, gurus, mentors, a wise family member, or a mature and trusted friend.


We can cultivate and strengthen a relationship with our own inner Hermit by creating opportunities to intentionally set aside the daily concerns of the outer world, to access the unconscious self and awaken the inner Self. Setting ourself up with the right environment will go a long way to access the golden intel within. A quietened mind, surrendered ego, space to be present, and a willingness to receive, are all helpful approaches.


Our inner Hermit is especially helpful for supporting seasons of transformative healing, for creating and upholding sacred boundaries around bodies of creative work, and for connecting our intuitive dots that lead us onto newfound awareness, deeper knowings, self-trust and profound truths.


Examples of channeling your inner Hermit can look like solo retreats, a meditation or journaling practice, therapy appointments, mentorships, weekends offline, pulling cards, regular alone time, a healing journey, a spiritual journey, a quest for inner truth or greater meaning, maturity of Self.


If the Hermit were a crystal, it would be fluorite, rainbow moonstone, apophyllite, lapis lazuli or a gemstone pendulum. If the Hermit were a color, it would be a confluence of indigos, violets, rich aubergine and silvery shimmer. As an instrument; the soulful cello. As a ritual; aromatic tea, divination cards, sage smoke, all the candles.


The Hermit reminds us to be curious about ourselves, to pay attention to what’s beneath our habits, routines, frustrations, fears and longings. Our inner Hermit loves to get cozy, quiet and withdraw. Solitude, contemplation, affirmation and light shedding are its love languages.


The Hermit beckons us to come inside from the world, to listen deeply, to ask …

What do I need to do by myself? How can I access my inner light? What will it illuminate? What feels ready to heal? Who are my teachers, wise ones, inspirational leaders? How can I trust myself more? What am I ready to learn about myself? Who am I ready to become?


By tending to the inner, we begin to shift and transform the outer. The deeper we listen, the more we’ll understand. The more present we are, the more joy, beauty, and unity we’ll experience. The more we are willing to receive, the greater our resourcing. The more we care, the kinder we are. The more love we place in our hearts, the more connected, compassionate and truer we’ll become.


Again and again, 2025 will invite us to explore and discover the aspects of ourselves that behold our potential and pure possibility. To awaken, rise and wise. To actualize and share our inner pots of gold. Our gifts. Our equanimity. Our agency. Our extraordinary brilliance.


Sending big love to your beautiful hearts, your luminous possibilities, and magical Hermit quests.


Jo xx


p.s. Keep in mind that the invitations of the Hermit are for each and every one of us. Similar to astrology, or the cycles of the moon; the archetypes within Tarot offer an esoteric assist to the cosmic weather report, as it were. Whilst the Hermit is our collective card, your personal card of the year is determined by adding together the numbers of your birth month, birth date and the year 2025, then if need be, simplifying (the archetypes of the major arcana are numbered 1-21, so if personal number is greater than 21, you will need to further simply that number to fall within the 1-21 range).


Using my birthdate as an example - 03/26/2025 becomes 3+2+6+2+0+2+5 = 20. In Tarot, 20 corresponds to the “Awakening” card and simplified (2+0=2) becomes the “High Priestess”. Perfect invitations, teachers and companions for what’s on my radar for year.


If you’d like help in determining your personal 2025 archetype, please let me know. In my experience the practice of working with them as anchors and allies has been remarkable.


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