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Hermit Moon

Our weekend Virgo Moon energy centers around themes of discernment, distinction, boundaries, home/hearth, nurturance, witnessing, solo time, organization, systems, plans, our resources and the invitation of a sacred review of what has passed, what is here, and what awaits. 

This full moon is a beautiful time to come back to the wisdom of the body and reflect on what we are navigating, what we are healing, and what is possible. It's a gorgeous cosmic setup for looking at how far you’ve come to where you stand now. From where you stand now, to where you want to go. Virgo loves to be organized, efficient and focused. A lover for the details, rituals and a plan that can be broken down into small, steady, achievable steps to reach its goal.


Tap into this potent luna energy to regroup, review and refine. What routines, habits, choices, and environments are working and what needs a do-over? Where could boundaries, new or improved practices, focused commitment, discernment and simplification help us to clarify, distill and break down our day-to-day needs and big picture visions into manageable, do-able, sustainable actions and success?


I find that working with the archetypal essence of the Hermit to be a wonderful ally for inner resourcing for imagining, and especially helpful for matters of discernment and navigating truths and transitions. The Hermit represents two directions (the inner and the outer aspects of ourselves). It is the teacher, the guide, the dispenser of insights and wisdom. By creating opportunities to set aside the daily concerns of the outer world, the Hermit is able to access and harness the gold within. This archetype is especially helpful for creating and upholding sacred boundaries around bodies of creative work, for supporting seasons of transformative healing, and for connecting our intuitive dots that lead us onto newfound awareness and deeper knowings and trust.


The Hermit reminds us to be curious about ourselves, to pay attention to what’s beneath our habits, routines, frustrations, fears and longings. Our inner Hermit loves to get cozy, quiet and withdraw. Solitude, contemplation and witnessing are its love languages.


The Hermit can also be represented in those who light the way for others. A teacher, a mentor, a wise family member, a dear, and trusted friend. The ones we seek out when we need help in making sense of ourselves; to have a truth reflected back to us.


The ultimate nourishment and nurturance for a Virgo Full Moon can be found in Mother Nature. The wisdom of the Hermit can be yielded by walking with a question and sifting through all that is intuited and revealed. Like the ancient tenants of the trees in the forest, the owls that call out in the night, the moon that illuminates the path of the past, present and future; nature holds us and reminds us that we’re not alone. We are held, supported, guided and all a part of this wild, weird and wonderful web of precious life together.


If nothing else, take some time to sit with yourself in the light of the moon over the coming evenings. Be with the fullness of your being. Cultivate a relationship with stillness. With quietude. With deep compassionate listening. With the oracle of your body. With the wisdom of your heart. With hope. With your inner Hermit.

Big Love, Always,

Jo xx


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