Elemental Self-Care
Sharing some favorite practices to support the many layers of our miraculous multi-layered cake selves.

Aether (Uni/Verse – one song)
The deep, eternal wellspring that sustains all of life. The ingredients of “You”, who you have been, who you are, and who you will become. The more of you and the greater potential of “we”. Purpose. Passion. Alchemy. The individual soul and universal soul of the world. Our interconnectedness, the web of all of life and the pure possibility of what we can become together.
Crystal Support: Apophylite, Angelite, Azeztulite, Scolecite, Morganite, Nirvana Quartz.
Rx. Kindness. Sit quietly, place your hands on your heart and invite the essence of kindenss to enter your heart. With each inhalation, allow this energetic essence to gently soften and smooth away any sources of tensing or suffering it meets. Take as long as needed until you sense a softening. This is the experience of grace and kindness. On the exhalations, radiate this essence out through your heart, filling your entire being. Enter your day with the intention to notice this inner goodness and its capacity to disarm and uplift all that it encounters. Kindness is devotional practice of a lifetime that has the capacity to change your life and our world.
Air (Suit of Swords, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
The earth kisses the sky. The wind, the breath, the mind, the language of the birds, the messenger of sound, spirit and truth.
Crystal Support: Rainbow Moonstone, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate
Rx. Candle Gazing is a simple and calming practice that can be used as preparation for a creative project, as a tool to reclaim peace and harmony, or, as a way to access insight or inspiration around a specific question or idea.
Use a dripless taper candle and restrict any breeze in the room. Place your lighted candle at eye level, approximately 2-3 feet in front of you. Sitting in a comfortable seated position with a straight spine and with eyes closed, take as many rounds of deep inhales and matching exhales as needed, to arrive a relaxed state. Soften your gaze and allow your eyes to rest gently on the flame of your candle. Try to maintain connection with the candle flame throughout your practice; starting with 5 and building to 20 minutes. Keep a journal at hand and take note of any visions, messages, guidance, or feelings that arise.
Fire (Suit of Wands, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
The spark of initiation, the torch that lights the way, warmth for the sacred circles, the hearts passion and souls desire that creates, unites, and enthusiastically generates.
Crystal Support: Carnelian, Pyrite, Peach Moonstone, Jade, Citrine, Golden Healer.
Rx. Burn Ritual – spend some centered alone time and reflect on at least one pattern, belief, behavior, narrative, disharmony, sabotage, fear, illusion, perspective that hinders your ability to grow forwards, to evolve, to heal, to potentialize. Take a sheet of paper and write a note/letter to this aspect of yourself as though you were sitting across from each other. Share your honesty, share your true feelings. If appropriate, share your forgiveness or gratitude. When the words are on the page, figuratively “sit” in the center of the clearing of the space you’ve created within yourself and for yourself. Read the words aloud then roll up the paper and set it alight in a fireproof bowl (or fireplace). Witness the words burning as a symbol of your releasing, continuing to watch until all that remains is the ash of the past.
Water (Suit of Cups, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
The birthing and rebirthing of us. The heart, the depths of our beings, the ebb and flow of our emotional landscape and the rivers that cleanse and carry us out to sea and back home to shore again.
Crystal Support: Rose Quartz, Pink Calcite, Green Aventurine, Pink Amethyst, Selenite
Rx. Cleansing Ritual – Ideally go to a body of water (ocean, river etc.) With your bare feet, stand at the waters’ edge and feel the cooling medicinal power of water cleanse your being from your roots to your crown. Set any disharmony, any tears, rage, suffering, despair, grief upon the waves or body of water and ask that the healing properties dissipate and carry your sorrow away. Alternately, fill a warm bath with essential oils (lavender, rosemary, geranium offer potent aromatherapy) and unscented Epson salts (an entire bag). Soak and reflect on all that you are ready to release. When complete, bear witness as the water clears and cleanses your heart and lightens your being.
Earth (Suit of Pentacles, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Our home. The mountains, crystals, continents, communities. All that we make, do, touch, see, feel, hear and taste. Our physical bodies, wellness, experiences, vitality, aliveness. Relationships with self, others, all systems, constructs and structures of society. Resources (inner and outer). Journey of life and what we make of all that has been given/shown to us.
Crystal Support: Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Aragonite, Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli, Garnet
Rx. Choose a ritual which gives you access to the wisdom of nature that feels safe and sacred to you. Kick of your shoes and lay down on the earth under a tree and let Mother Nature restore and reset your entire nervous system. Hike a favorite trail and attune to the sensory experience of nature’s majesty. Plant seeds (or scatter the ash from your burn ritual) into the earth together with a future vision, dream, intention. Cook yourself a simple, nourishing, comforting meal slowly, intentionally and in sacred silence. Play, dance, hobby - just for fun, just for joy.
Inside This Clay Jug
by Kabir
Inside this clay jug
there are canyons and
pine mountains,
and the maker of canyons
and pine mountains!
All seven oceans are inside,
and hundreds of millions of stars.
The acid that tests gold is here,
and the one who judges jewels.
And the music
that comes from the strings
that no one touches,
and the source of all water.
If you want the truth, I will tell you the truth:
Friend, listen: the God whom I love is inside.