Light A Spark
The ultimate goal for February is to connect to your joy, liberate your passions & unleash your creative expression. To give yourself permission & space to be your true, unique & magical Self.
It’s an activating, forward-thinking energy, to back your ideas, clear emotional roadblocks & inspire you to breath unapologetic life into your dreams, no matter how big or far away they may feel.

Edgy emotions may be present for many of us this month in the form of discontentment, irritation, frustration, even anger. The invitation & key to working with this inner “friction” will be to see it through the lens of conscious awareness, to move through it efficiently, & keep your mind focused on your goals.
Be as neutral as possible around any discontentment that may arise with the intention of harnessing it as a catalyst for change, reconnecting to your passions, & personal breakthroughs, by raising your vibration higher than the level of your irritation, & focusing instead on what lifts you up & inspires you.
Often times, the heat of our upset can get the better of us. We react, project, run away, blame others, repress it, or worse; use it as ammunition to feel bad about ourselves. But we can do better than our defaults. We can raise the bar above our conditioning, our patterns, our self-sabotage & our suffering, & we can use this emotional charge to yield an important shift that becomes the spark & impetus for something higher. A spark that ignites a change for our betterment, new awareness, healing, personal growth, & truth. Sometimes we need the contrast, & the realization of what we don’t want, to move us in the direction of what we do, & in this way, the energy of our upset & how we engage with it, can serve our expansion.
Observe your frustration. Get curious about what might be underneath your reactions. Spend some time tuning in & asking what feels out of balance? Where are you giving, or taking too much? Are you taking care of your own needs? Are there dreams longing to be heard? Joy longing to be expressed? Is there an important aspect of you that feels denied, forgotten, or perpetually set aside in the busyness of daily life?
Don’t get stuck in the past of what didn’t happen, or who hurt you. Don’t entertain the negativity, or the drama & don’t let your fears be the low-vibe fuel that runs your thoughts, feelings & actions. Your energy, your gifts, & your beautiful dreams are too precious, & your magical joy is so very needed in this world.
Things to help support your Inner Spark - Optimism. Patience. Self-Care. Creativity. Curiosity. Connecting Intuition. Positive Perspective. Boundaries. Compassion for Self & others. Self-LOVE. Giving yourself permission. A gratitude attitude. Detachment from drama, gossip & complaining. Balance. Intentions with Action. A sense of humor.
Spend some time dwelling in your dreams. Cast your mind back to a time when the world felt like pure possibility. When wonder, hope, & potential was all around you. Remember how amazing that felt & allow it’s magical energy to fuel your inspiration & activate your inner brilliance.
Proceed with the absolute knowing that everything you need is already within you. There is golden treasure inside you that awaits your attention & active participation. Let your unique passions be the guiding spark that leads the way forward to living your life founded by joy.