Luna Leo Loving (Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse)
Full Moons & Eclipses are powerful portals for us to create pathways of new beginnings, experience accelerated shifts, and leverage rapid personal expansion.
Eclipse energy can sometimes feel intense, highlighting things about ourselves; our challenges & our gifts, that may make us feel everything from mildy uncomfortable to downright fearful, but the energy is actually meant to help support & advance our personal & collective journey. Eclipses activate & amplify the cosmic energy that can help us to release non-serving behavior, self-perceived limits or untrue beliefs that keep us stuck in the past, the old, the familiar, & radically shift us into a new, higher, more aligned kind of vibration that reflects our true Self & make our soul sing.

During this Eclipse season, create regular opportunities to sit with your Self. To listen deeply to the power of your own savvy intuition, your hearts wisdom & your souls knowings, & tune into the areas of your life that are calling for your attention, your tending & your active participation.
What aspects of you longs to feel liberated, ignited, vibrant, elevated, expanded, & empowered? What familiar behaviors, perspectives, beliefs, or defaults are holding you back from experiencing the fullness, the authenticity, the rich, magical gorgeousness of you? What can be faced, named, resolved or healed? How would it feel to step into your amazing uniqueness, your magical essence, your perfect wholeness? And what will you manifest with the alchemizing gold of your pure potential?
The Universe extends an invitation for us to redefine our relationships with all, starting with the Self. The energy of a Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Leo is shiny, bold & proud. We have the opportunity to choose our courage, to be generous with bounty. To express our sensuality, our creative flair, to be guided by our internal flame & faith, & to take the lead. The Cosmos is inviting us to shine brighter than ever before, from the inside out. To forge a new path for ourselves, led from the heart.
Lunar Eclipses amplify the energy of the Full Moon’s question of what wants to end with an emphasis around our own internal patterns & processes. What default reactions are tripping you up, prolonging suffering, & holding you back from the gifts that await. Where do you feel stuck, familiar, or in a loop? Are there things in your shadows you can let go, heal, resolve, forgive & alchemize into more light, more LOVE?
If it seems dark within right now, you may feel heavy, sad, angry, or fearful. The moon reflects our deepest emotions & her luminous fullness works like a celestial magnet, bringing the aspects of us we tend to bury, up to the surface for illumination. When we’re willing to feel the feelings, stay for the conversation, observe without judgement & follow the breadcrumbs of what is revealed, we can be gifted with a light of new awareness, fresh perspective, & find solutions to old problems. We begin to shed the weight of what doesn’t serve us, to make space in our lives for more of what does. Be extra gentle with yourself. Be your own best friend, lover, teacher, confidant, healer, & ramp up the Self LOVE.
It’s also an ideal time to acknowledge, celebrate & applaud our strides, our expansion & our wins. Look around & acknowledge the goodness.
Each cycle gives us the chance to press the “Sacred Pause Button”. To have a moment to ourselves, reflect on how far we’ve come, make adjustments, & take a bow, before heading out into the direction of our dreams & our destiny.