Creating Sacred Space
The New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Capricorn that arrived on Christmas Day night presents a cosmic reset button & a powerful two-week energetic portal for us to enter into & emerge renewed & shifted with the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on January 10th.
Eclipses behold amplified energy for us to work with & have a way of turning our gaze towards what’s needing our attention & participation. This particular Eclipse cycle is here to help support us with the most important relationship of all. The one we have with our Self.

We can harness the power of this timely & potent Eclipse energy to turn within, to enquire, identify, name & release those aspects of our selves that simply don’t serve us.
We can start paying attention to what triggers us, drains, angers, distresses, disappoints us. What makes us feel vulnerable, resentful, afraid, stuck, & unloving. We can start to notice these behaviors, & the stories we tell ourselves, & we can begin to question if they’re really a match for our personal truths. We can notice where we react in ways that don’t feel good to us or others. We can get honest with ourselves. We can have patience with ourselves. Be kinder, softer, more honoring with ourselves. We can begin a conversation with our heart that begins with curiosity & ends with LOVE. We can choose ourselves.
We can become our own beloved, our own dearest friend, mother, cheerleader, healer, wise sage, guardian, & closest ally. We can harness the power of these Eclipse bookends to support our personal shifts & expansion.
Use this window of time to let go of the things that don’t align with who you’re becoming. Make room in your being, in your homes, in your life garden to plant some new dream seeds … brighter, fuller, meaningful & magical seeds that excite your heart, stoke your desires & turn on your soul light. These are the dreams you truly deserve. These are the dreams that this world needs. These are the dreams that were planted deep within your inner kingdom … that were made just for you.
I’ve put some together some ideas around clearing, & cleansing your energy, tools that I’ve used to support my journey, that perhaps you’ll find helpful for an Eclipse Adventure that’s centered around the relationship with ourselves. These suggestions are intended merely as a foundation for your own empowered soul care. Please feel free to take what resonates for you & leave the rest. For deeper inner delving, you might find it helpful to reach out for a professional therapist or an energy healer. I consider my energy to be my most precious resource & commodity. The very best guidance I can offer is to follow your own unique intuition with what feels aligned for you.
Emotional Energy:
Identify any past hurts or wounds. Do you feel betrayed or do you feel you have betrayed yourself or another? Do you sense that you may be carrying the energetic weight of unfinished business? Where do you feel the pinch of shame or guilt? What relationships drain you & can you engage in a different way? (hello boundaries). Judgement, negativity, criticism, perpetual indecision, fear, worry, anxiety, stress, & toxic relationships are low vibration energy vampires.
Can we move away from self-harming emotional thoughts, beliefs, words & actions & move towards adopting patience, forgiveness, compassion & gratitude for our human-ness? We may not have been taught how to love, honor & respect ourselves, but we can also stop identifying with that story & teach ourselves. You’re so worthy & deserved of your own LOVE.
Wellness Energy:
In the busyness of “doing life” it’s easy to let Self-Care take a back seat. And in order for it to become an integral part of who you are, you'll need to make it a priority & a practice. You will need to continually choose yourself, to see & believe your Self-Care & your wellbeing to be important to you. There’s really no short cut.
Awareness around resistance to taking good care of yourself is an important & illuminating conversation to have with yourself. A life-plan that includes a healthy diet, daily movement, sufficient rest, that is well thought out, moderately paced & anchored in your life reality (not the ideals, expectations, judgement or projection of others), includes defined boundaries, & backed by your investment in your Self is a lifetime commitment, but the prize is everything. Putting yourself first doesn’t mean you stop caring for others. It doesn't have to be an either/or choice. In fact you’ll discover that everything & everyone you do care for will benefit greatly from you being your best.
Spiritual Energy:
Is there a soul knowing you’re ready to act on? Do you take time to nourish yourself? Do you trust your intuition? Is there something within you that is asking for your healing, or wanting to become a part of your life?
Can you stop doubting, mistrusting or dimming your own magnificence? And can you shift towards being curious, deep listening & trusting our heart’s higher intelligence?
Sacred Space:
“Have nothing in your home that you do not think beautiful or purposeful”. Look at your home, your workplace, your belongings, & see your environment with new eyes. Does it feed, serve, nourish, & delight you?
Clear away clutter, paperwork piles, pass along clothes that don’t make you feel amazing. Repair or recycle the broken, the unwanted & the unused. Finish projects, or release them. Donate. Plan a yard sale. Host a swap party. Bring nature indoors with live, air-purifying plants. Consider working with the power of crystals to help support your home or workspace energy. After purging, cleanse your space with sage, declare intentions for how you wish your home to support you. Identify what type of energy you want to call in & look for ways to make it welcome.
Take one area, one drawer, one item, one loving breath at a time, & dedicate (Capricorn style) to clearing up your space to allow fresh air, new light, & higher vibes to enter in.
Energy of Others:
Our friendships, family members, our home, our co-workers, the news, TV, magazines, social media, the books we read, all feed us in some measure, positively or negatively. Do these take something from you or lift you up? Do they feel heavy or light? What business practices, what energetic ethics (yours & the businesses you support) feel wonky or, outdated?
Can we move away from comparing ourselves to others & embrace our own magic? Can we say “no thank you” to the things that don’t feel like “us” to free ourselves to more “yes please” of participating in the things that fit us? Can we stop defending & explaining ourselves & create boundaries around our time & choices. Can we stop taking things personally & cultivate detachment from the projections of others? Can we be present for the wide-eyed wonder & tiny everyday miracles of the world? Can we be on the lookout for things we find beautiful, positive, delightful, & life affirming & can we take a moment to be present & truly grateful when we notice them (cultivating this practice will not only shift your energy but it will attract more beauty, positivity, delight & things to be grateful for into your life … I promise).
Lastly, a simple, quick way to clear your energy field is to bring your awareness to your heart’s center. In your minds eye, envision yourself opening up your crown chakra and imagine white light streaming down through your entire being. From above your head (your soul star chakra) streaming bright, white light all the way down into your feet and beyond, into the earth (your earth star chakra). You can be your own energetic light beam. You can be your own heaven on earth.
Everything is energy. Be a clear, purified, loving container for benevolent goodness to make a home in the heart of your life.