"Something from Nothing" - my end of year manifestation ritual
Tiny, end of year ritual grows into the livelihood of my dreams.

LOVE NOTE from hope
we are but one choice, one opportunity, one kindness, one miracle
away from rising up from our depths to meet ourselves fully once more.

Hermit Moon
Our weekend Virgo Moon energy centers around themes of discernment, distinction, boundaries, home/hearth, nurturance, witnessing, solo...

From Winter With LOVE
The Winter Solstice arrives today; December 21st, together with the first day of Yuletide; an initiation of the changing of seasons; from...

The Summer of LOVE
The planet Venus will retrograde on July 22nd, beginning a 44-day inward sojourn for us to explore our personal narratives around the...

Relationship Rx. (A read and ritual for the Full Moon)
The mirror or our relationships is one of our greatest resources for finding clues, discovering newfound awareness, insight and guidance...

Your Sacred “Yes”
E M E R G E N C E A Ritual For the Aries New Moon You’ll Need Solo time to get quiet and listen deeply A Journal/pen A separate sheet of...

Refuge Moon
Virgo moon energy centers around themes of discernment, boundaries, prayer, witnessing, solo time, tying up loose ends, our resources and...

Breathe Tend LOVE - Ritual Rx. for the Cancer Full Moon
The first lunation of the year arrives on Friday with a full moon in Cancer; inviting us to elevate the way in which we care, nurture,...

Venus Rx.
Our current full moon in Taurus centers around resources, worldly possessions, our bodies, the home, prosperity/finances and our...