Elemental Self-Care
Sharing some favorite practices to support the many layers of our miraculous multi-layered cake selves. Aether (Uni/Verse – one song) ...

LOVE note from silence
A few people have reached out after I posted about my recent silent retreat and so I thought I’d share a bit about my experience here,...

Listen | Learn | LOVE
"When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new." (Dalai Lama).

Eclipse Rx. (love yourself no matter what)
The upcoming full moon/Lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25th opens up an energetic portal for us to work with that will close with a...

Hermit Moon
Our weekend Virgo Moon energy centers around themes of discernment, distinction, boundaries, home/hearth, nurturance, witnessing, solo...

2024 "Softness as your Strength"
Welcome to 2024. In terms of Tarot, collectively speaking; this is an 8 year (2+0+2+4=8) and the card that corresponds with 8 in Tarot’s...

From Winter With LOVE
The Winter Solstice arrives today; December 21st, together with the first day of Yuletide; an initiation of the changing of seasons; from...

New LOVE Stories
The planet Venus has been in a retrograde transit since July 22nd and today, Venus stations direct and slowly begins to move forwards,...

The Summer of LOVE
The planet Venus will retrograde on July 22nd, beginning a 44-day inward sojourn for us to explore our personal narratives around the...

Rewrite Redefine Reclaim - Scorpio Moon Eclipse
One aspect of Scorpio Moon energy is associated with the depths of our unconscious, that sometimes feel like “mazes” or vaguely familiar...