Introducing The Empress
For the past three years now, I've been working closely with the archetype of the Empress (the Goddess of the Tarot’s Major Arcana...

Abundance Ritual
“I Am A Creative Being & A Powerful Manifestor” You might like to light a candle, pull a card, write an affirmation, gather some elements...

Tiny Miracles
I was coming back from a walk with the dogs when I felt a nudge to stop and look down. At first glance, I feared the baby hummingbird...

Luna Love
The arrival of tonight’s “Pink” Moon in Libra comes with an invitation for us to focus on bringing balance, peace, and harmony to our...

Expect Delight or Expect Delays
Have you ever considered how your “Take On The World”; your perspective, your attitude may actually be influencing your reality? Would...