Elemental Self-Care
Sharing some favorite practices to support the many layers of our miraculous multi-layered cake selves. Aether (Uni/Verse – one song) ...

"Mirror Mirror" - how relationships help us to evolve
We are just a few days into Libra Season and todays new moon/solar eclipse in Libra is a timely opportunity to check in with ourselves...

LOVE ... the invitation of the Aquarius Full Moon
On this defining supermoon in Aquarius we are being energetically supported and gifted an opportunity to imagine, reimagine and create...

LOVE NOTE from hope
we are but one choice, one opportunity, one kindness, one miracle
away from rising up from our depths to meet ourselves fully once more.

Listen | Learn | LOVE
"When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new." (Dalai Lama).

Eclipse Rx. (love yourself no matter what)
The upcoming full moon/Lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25th opens up an energetic portal for us to work with that will close with a...

Hermit Moon
Our weekend Virgo Moon energy centers around themes of discernment, distinction, boundaries, home/hearth, nurturance, witnessing, solo...

2024 "Softness as your Strength"
Welcome to 2024. In terms of Tarot, collectively speaking; this is an 8 year (2+0+2+4=8) and the card that corresponds with 8 in Tarot’s...

Eclipse Season - Portal to Potential
Eclipses are like cosmic sliding doors, in that they support opening and closing, beginning and ending cycles. They offer a boost of...

Your Sacred “Yes”
E M E R G E N C E A Ritual For the Aries New Moon You’ll Need Solo time to get quiet and listen deeply A Journal/pen A separate sheet of...