Lead With LOVE (Aquarius Full Moon)
August opens and closes with two full moons, making tomorrow nights’ full moon in Aquarius a supermoon. Together with a month-long Venus...

Your Sacred “Yes”
E M E R G E N C E A Ritual For the Aries New Moon You’ll Need Solo time to get quiet and listen deeply A Journal/pen A separate sheet of...

Venus Rx.
Our current full moon in Taurus centers around resources, worldly possessions, our bodies, the home, prosperity/finances and our...

"Emergence" - A Moon Ritual For Your Future Self
This weekend we have a full moon in Aries to support themes of initiations, new beginnings, taking aligned action, releasing...

Create Your Reality - Your Inner Alchemist
An Alchemist is someone who actively engages with their imagination, intentions and innate talents and gifts to make something from...

I Tend. I Heal. I Serve
Virgo represents the essence of the Virgin, the Mother, the Creative and the Goddess within. This weekend's new moon in Virgo is centered...

Future Selfing - New Moon in Sagittarius 12.3.21
Friday’s new moon arrives in the dead of night. It’s the final new moon cycle of 2021, in culmination with the closing of a powerful and ...