2024 "Softness as your Strength"
Welcome to 2024. In terms of Tarot, collectively speaking; this is an 8 year (2+0+2+4=8) and the card that corresponds with 8 in Tarot’s...

From Winter With LOVE
The Winter Solstice arrives today; December 21st, together with the first day of Yuletide; an initiation of the changing of seasons; from...

New LOVE Stories
The planet Venus has been in a retrograde transit since July 22nd and today, Venus stations direct and slowly begins to move forwards,...

Lead With LOVE (Aquarius Full Moon)
August opens and closes with two full moons, making tomorrow nights’ full moon in Aquarius a supermoon. Together with a month-long Venus...

The Summer of LOVE
The planet Venus will retrograde on July 22nd, beginning a 44-day inward sojourn for us to explore our personal narratives around the...

Rewrite Redefine Reclaim - Scorpio Moon Eclipse
One aspect of Scorpio Moon energy is associated with the depths of our unconscious, that sometimes feel like “mazes” or vaguely familiar...

Eclipse Season - Portal to Potential
Eclipses are like cosmic sliding doors, in that they support opening and closing, beginning and ending cycles. They offer a boost of...

Relationship Rx. (A read and ritual for the Full Moon)
The mirror or our relationships is one of our greatest resources for finding clues, discovering newfound awareness, insight and guidance...

The Alchemy of LOVE - On turning 60
On Turning Sixty and the Alchemy of LOVE and inviting life to live through you.

Your Sacred “Yes”
E M E R G E N C E A Ritual For the Aries New Moon You’ll Need Solo time to get quiet and listen deeply A Journal/pen A separate sheet of...