Transition Transform Trust - Navigating with LOVE
Transitions and transformations have a tendency to bring up a surge of "all the things" emotional to the surface, as we find ourselves in...

Receiving LOVE
For many of us, receiving LOVE is challenging. We may carry old stories within the ocean of our unconscious depths that tell us in some...

Deeper Still Into LOVE
Only a few steps into 2021and already it feels like we are being invited to dive deeper into ourselves and deeper still into LOVE. 2020...

Introducing The Empress
For the past three years now, I've been working closely with the archetype of the Empress (the Goddess of the Tarot’s Major Arcana...

The Superpower Of LOVE
Compassion is a bridge that connects our heart to the heart of another and is the gateway to living life with an open heart that sees and...

Kiss Your Life (Celebrating Fall Equinox)
The Autumnal Equinox is a beautiful time to begin to take stock of what is ending and making room for what is beginning. The seasonal...

Abundance Ritual
“I Am A Creative Being & A Powerful Manifestor” You might like to light a candle, pull a card, write an affirmation, gather some elements...

Self-LOVE In Action
Self LOVE is a concept or a practice that is uniquely different to each of us. Ultimately for me, it's been a lifelong relationship with...

We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For
Here we stand in the threshold of a new year, new decade, and era. Only 8 days into 2020 & it already feels like we’re being supported to...

Creating Sacred Space
The New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Capricorn that arrived on Christmas Day night presents a cosmic reset button & a powerful two-week...