Your Sacred “Yes”
E M E R G E N C E A Ritual For the Aries New Moon You’ll Need Solo time to get quiet and listen deeply A Journal/pen A separate sheet of...

Refuge Moon
Virgo moon energy centers around themes of discernment, boundaries, prayer, witnessing, solo time, tying up loose ends, our resources and...

The "More" of You - Pisces Invitations
There are seasons in our lives where we set out in search of a certain “something” we intuitively sense we need to understand, experience or

Breathe Tend LOVE - Ritual Rx. for the Cancer Full Moon
The first lunation of the year arrives on Friday with a full moon in Cancer; inviting us to elevate the way in which we care, nurture,...

Advent For LOVE
If you’ve been journeying along with me for a while, you’ll know that more than anything in life …I’m here for the LOVE. To choose it....

Amulet of the Heart (Ceremony for Scorpio New Moon/Eclipse)
Gather Your Ceremony Elements: You’ll need a sheet of paper/or journal pen, a candle, a rose or rose petals or rose oil. Suggested...

New Thresholds - "You are the lock, and the key".
For many of us, change is often scary, as it requires us to let go of what is known and familiar and step into the void of the unknown....

"Emergence" - A Moon Ritual For Your Future Self
This weekend we have a full moon in Aries to support themes of initiations, new beginnings, taking aligned action, releasing...

Create Your Reality - Your Inner Alchemist
An Alchemist is someone who actively engages with their imagination, intentions and innate talents and gifts to make something from...

Going Home
As we continue to ebb and flow for the next 3 weeks through the influences and invitations of Virgo season, I'm noticing the themes of...