The Alchemy of LOVE - On turning 60
On Turning Sixty and the Alchemy of LOVE and inviting life to live through you.

Refuge Moon
Virgo moon energy centers around themes of discernment, boundaries, prayer, witnessing, solo time, tying up loose ends, our resources and...

Advent For LOVE
If you’ve been journeying along with me for a while, you’ll know that more than anything in life …I’m here for the LOVE. To choose it....

Ask For Signs | Follow The Signs | Trust Your Self
Asking for signs in the physical realm has been part of my relationship with my inner realm for eons. I love birds, in particular the...

Living as Abundance
Taurus is the ruler of abundance. She governs resources, worldly possessions, self-worth, the home, prosperity/finances and our global...

Introducing The Empress
For the past three years now, I've been working closely with the archetype of the Empress (the Goddess of the Tarot’s Major Arcana...

Abundance Ritual
“I Am A Creative Being & A Powerful Manifestor” You might like to light a candle, pull a card, write an affirmation, gather some elements...

Light A Spark
The ultimate goal for February is to connect to your joy, liberate your passions & unleash your creative expression. To give yourself...

Shadow Hunting Light Seeking
At this time of the year, it’s not unusual for us to want to be quiet. The days between the bright lights of Christmas and New Year can...

Polishing The LOVE
I’ve come to know that LOVE is available to us in many thousands of forms. Behold the celestial Eastern Goddess of Compassion and Mercy,...